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Make sure that you have built your site in the right way

Successful search engine optimization does not consist of short-term actions to achieve good rankings rapidly. Rather, SEO is a constant process, in which you are continually changing your website. Adding links and information to a forum signature, for example, is a good way to quickly spread awareness about your website, especially if you post often on a specific forum. Although SEO is just part of the online marketing mix, it’s instrumental in boosting traffic to your online business. After all, most online shoppers start the buying process by using a search engine. How SEO works for a big brand with an established reputation and a massive marketing team, PR agency and all of that stuff is very different to how SEO works for some local tradesmen with a low-end budget that has to catch up with the big boys.

Duplicate content

The other point that has become increasingly important is that relevant anchor text should be used in links. This applies not just to external links pointing into your site, but internal linkages throughout your Web site. Your competitors may be investing more in their own SEO campaigns, outperforming you in the process. Using a variety of free online tools such as Google AdWords, Keyword Keg and Bing Ads, website owners can easily find research which words are being searched for most frequently in a number of search engines. Many marketers talk about the specifics of algorithms, content updates, spider-bots etc, but there’s no need for many business owners to worry too much about this. All you need to do to focus is assume that search engines want to get the most relevant articles, posts and products in front of an audience.

Find the best way to use combine timing and context

Relevance versus authority: these two metrics are always at the forefront of a link builder’s mind. It’s better to have a custom 404 error code page than to have an empty page — it doesn’t send a good message to search engines or site visitors. Search engine do not give you links that are counted to your link popularity. You need to write content that others want to link to. And in my opinion, if you are not passionate about what you are writing, then it will be hard to get links pointing to your content. Google is now extremely advanced and answers around 15 percent of its search queries with the help of artificial intelligence (AI). This AI is called “Rankbrain” and consists of machine learning algorithms. The fact that search engines are getting smarter has very practical consequences for SEO.

Do the Right Kind of Keyword Research to Increase Organic Traffic

Excessive repetition of keywords, and using keywords that are irrelevant to the rest of your content, are likely to earn you a penalty SEO is about providing value, not tricking search engines into ranking you higher. Although it may feel like Google is trying to make our jobs as inbound marketers more difficult, they ultimately want to provide the best user experience, which should be the goal of your website as well. According to Gaz Hall, a UK SEO Consultant : "The more webpages use the same keyword to point to a subpage, the more signals the search engine will receive indicating that this landing page must be very relevant for this keyword. This in turn means that the page will be ranked better for this and other similar keywords. "

Tailor to shoppers, not search engines

Though search engine rankings keep on changing from time to time (it’s normal), make sure that you have built your site in the right way and regularly posting quality content to drive a steady stream of traffic to your pages. Building links is certainly an essential SEO practice, but Google is still dealing with the manipulation of SERPs via economically minded marketers. However, your link building strategy needs to encompass relevancy. Your website should be designed with your visitor in mind. Nobody wants to wait a long time for a page to load, and slow site speeds will tempt visitors to visit a competitor’s page. Over the years, Google has continued to improve their link algorithms, including Penguin, and they continued to use manual penalties to crack down on link schemes as well.