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Understand Google’s Ranking Algorithm

Create and submit sitemaps for each country in Google Webmaster Tools. This is only necessary if you’re using subdirectories for each of your locale sites, but it is very important that Google indexes and understands all the pages on your site. The best way to do this is to submit a sitemap for each country or region you are targeting. A big part of effectively writing for Internet users and search engines alike is to understand the human user's psyche while also feeding the search engines the relevancy they need to consider ranking the page for a given topic. Use relevant and accurate meta descriptions, title tags and alt text throughout your site. Search engines typically assume that the more popular a site, page, or document, the more valuable the information it contains must be.

Canonical URLs in the Wild

Ensure that you site is free of spam, malware among other problems for reputable and fast site. With algorithms getting savvier, focus on purchasing quality links and try to earn good inbound links. Building links is certainly an essential SEO practice, but Google is still dealing with the manipulation of SERPs via economically minded marketers. However, your link building strategy needs to encompass relevancy. Content curation is a common way to collect, restructure, and republish existing content. The collection of material often provides new perspectives for users on content ideas you’ve already covered. For content curation to be successful, you first look for appropriate sources and then use your own blog to purposefully publish the content. Personal social media channels also help spread content easily. Popular topics often provide a lot of traffic. It makes sense to use the same keywords in titles and headlines, simply because a single page should always define it's topic as exactly as possible. This means there will always be only two or three main keywords any given page will need to be optimized for.

Site Architecture

Make sure that your website is structured in a way that is friendly to search engines. If it’s tough for a search engine to crawl your site and index everything properly, you won’t get the SEO love that you deserve. Most people look at SEO the wrong way. They look at ways to do the least amount of work for the greatest initial return, when in fact, it's quite the opposite. You can’t master SEO in a day, but you can resolve to make small steps in each of the areas of SEO that will make your site better and your efforts more impactful. Quality and visibility. This is truly the great secret to SEO and content.

Understand Google’s Ranking Algorithm

When content is optimized for SEO before it goes live on the web, it will be prepared for searchers and rank higher on the SERP from the moment of publication. Links from a diverse range of websites are good, as too many links from the same domain can be seen as spammy. Make sure that you label all of your images with descriptive alt attributes. According to Gaz Hall, a UK SEO Consultant : "You should also focus on building internal links, as it can increase traffic on different pages of your website, which can send positive signals to Google."

Determining Searcher Intent and Delivering Relevant, Fresh Content

Search drives the web -- roughly two-thirds of website visitors originate from organic search. For those seeking to sway public (or private) opinion about a particular topic, SEO can be a powerful tool. By promoting ideas and content within the search results for queries likely to be made by those seeking information about a topic, you can influence the perception of even very large groups. Updating content across a site should be a priority as Google rewards fresher content for certain searches. CRO is a process that utilizes user feedback, market research, and analytics to improve the conversion rate on your website. If the goal of your website is to get visitors to fill out a contact form, the conversion rate would be the number of people who filled out the form divided by the total traffic your website received.

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