The featured snippets that SEOs have been striving to get are a prime example of how voice search has changed SEO. Optimizing for these snippets requires old school SEO tactics combined with something new. Don't commit the cardinal sin of letting dots ruin your page descriptions No matter what niche your website is in, when you start writing an article, always provide helpful and actionable guidance. If you are giving the users the information they want, your content can be as long as you need. Off-Page SEO is made up of everything away from your site that you technically can’t control (although, you can influence) and affects how Google sees your page (particularly how authoritative and trustworthy it sees your page).
Librarians to marketersWouldn’t it be cool if you could find out exactly which keywords your competitors are ranking for AND how much search traffic those keywords are bringing in? Google likes to pretend that great content, and great websites, will naturally acquire links. But for 99.999% of businesses, that’s terrible advice. No doubt over recent months, you would have noticed in SERP's (search engine results pages) that many spammers have been exploiting this with 50+ character hyphenated domain names, followed by file paths a mile long. Choosing a perfect focus keyword is not an exact science. You should aim for a combination of words that are used by a search audience. Aim for a focus keyword that is relatively high on volume and aim for one that will fit your audience.
Defining Your Site’s AudienceWhile it’s easy to find “experts” you may want to reach out to, it’s important to remember that not everyone responds positively to such requests. Keywords are still a factor in content, but with the Hummingbird update in 2013, the way they are used, viewed, and searched has changed dramatically. SEO is important for every website that wants to attract traffic. SEO for non-profits, in that regard, isn’t that different from SEO for other businesses. Analytics tools such as Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Ryte and HubSpot enable you to examine many important details about your website and its usage. For example, the HubSpot tool can identify which organic keywords are already driving traffic to your website. The same is true of Google Search Console, which is free. These keywords create a good base of core keywords and give you a list of keywords that you can use to measure the performance of your future SEO efforts.
Start simple, but don’t skip this step.As Google continues its journey for the perfect user experience on their own site, you have to strive to keep up. How recently your webpage was published is also a ranking signal – but different types of searches have different freshness needs, such as searches for recent events, hot topics, and regularly recurring events.2 Standard SEO advice is to keep the site architecture as flat as possible, to minimize clicks from the home page to important content. Do not go off the deep end, though; too many links on a page are not good for search engines either. According to SEO Consultant, Gaz Hall: "An SEO campaign can deliver all the traffic in the world, but if none of the visitors ever becomes a customer then the campaign has not succeeded."
Optimize for Yahoo, Bing, and OthersYour SEO strategy might include links to other websites or pages within your own website. Sometimes pages are no longer available and content is permanently removed from a website. When that happens, website visitors land on a 404 error page. Double-check the links on your website to ensure pages haven’t been taken down without your knowledge. Google prefers sites that are easy to navigate. This means having solid navigation in your top menu and other places on your site (like your sidebar and footer). It also allows Google to easily find related pages on your site. You should see improvements in website traffic, a key indicator of progress for your keywords. The number, accuracy and quality of your business' local citations improve its chances of featuring highly in search results.