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More content equals better rankings and more links

If you have plans to be in business for more than five years, you need to invest in SEO. You likely won’t see an immediate impact, but it has the potential to be the best return on investment for your business. Finding that people from an unexpected search term are converting more highly than those from other search terms? Then it might be time to switch gear and start trying to rank for that phrase instead! Try to ask questions in the headers of your copy. Because more and more people are typing in whole questions when using search engines, these websites are going to be looking for content with those same questions – and the assumed answers within. An SEO campaign can deliver all the traffic in the world, but if none of the visitors ever becomes a customer then the campaign has not succeeded.

Structuring the entire page

The modern user has a very short attention span. If a website takes more than a few seconds to load, she/he is likely to leave. Therefore, it’s really important to make sure that site speed/load time is optimized as much as possible. Include the right rich snippets, don’t add markup just to inform Google about all the other stuff you do. When deciding which keywords to go after, you could also use a tool, but simply googling your keywords will also give you insight into the difficulty to rank for a certain search term. Site speed is an essential element of any campaign and for good reasons. You’ve also got to prioritize index and site structure when reviewing your technical SEO – obvious choices but absolutely paramount.

More focus is put on searcher intent

Google has become tremendously more sophisticated about the signals that it does consider when it comes to applying relevance of keywords to a particular site. I strongly believe that relevant links have a bigger impact on the algorithm. Use keywords relevant to your products and services that your customers are searching for, especially in your Title Tags and internal links. If your site uses a lot of imagery, consider adding a Pin It button to allow Pinterest users to easily add images to their boards. For sites with lots of high-quality product, inspirational or instructional images, Pinterest can be a major driver of traffic - especially given that every Pin and Repin of your image includes a link back to your site.

More content equals better rankings and more links

Most webmasters believe Google crawls their website in one go and will continue until everything’s crawled. Automatic redirects and rewrites help search engines understand when you've made changes or moved pages on your site. You should always Google keywords before committing to them.because it’ll help you to understand what—in Google’s eyes—is the best result for that particular keyword. If most of the results are vastly different to the content you’re trying to rank, it probably isn’t a great keyword to target. Gaz Hall, an SEO Expert from the UK, said: "When we talk about trust through age, we're talking about the indexed age (i.e. the time since Google originally found you). But, more importantly, what happened over the time since Google discovered your site or page."

Optimize your content around a topic, not around a single keyword

Not all links are equal. The Google determines the quality of the links by looking at the quality of traffic that the specific links are driving to your website. Page content refers to all the information contained in a website. Page content can be displayed as text, links, images, audio, animation or videos among other things. Panda and Penguin are algorithm updates by Google, focused on serving more quality websites in their search result pages. Panda focuses on thin content and banners, among other things, where Penguin checks if the links to your website are natural links that make sense. Authority is created over time. It can't be rushed.