Learn how to use storytelling to grow your small business. When your prospects engage with your stories, you can literally create beliefs by showing them how YOU, a customer, or even a fictional character, came to believe the same thing. Telling the story of your brand is an ongoing process. This creates an immediate response that makes your story memorable and shareable.
People make decisions emotionally and then support them with logic. Remember that humans typically make emotional not rational decisions so being able to evoke emotions through storytelling is a powerful tool. This creates an emotional connection, as well as reveals admiral characteristics, like innovation and resilience. Sometimes, in order to process a big idea more fully, we need to step away from the situation and think about it in another context, or after a bit of time. Stories enable such leaders to pass on their messages with elegance and integrity, with humour and utmost seriousness.
This will give them something to believe in and consequently they will believe in the company and their motivation to work will increase. We thrive on stories and draw our memories and attachments through these moments.
Most importantly, establish why you’re telling them this story. Did you solve a problem for a customer? You’re talking real-world impact.
Employees are the heart of the business, they are the company's best asset and a business only succeeds when its employees do. By examining how stories work and why we are so drawn to them, Storytelling for Business explores the fundamental skills of communication and develops an understanding of how we can apply this essential human characteristic in a corporate setting. Talk about how an event related to your business affected you and what you learned.
The ability to deliver a story in an imaginative and memorable way is a hugely valuable skill and can help you to enhance, communicate, and verbalise your message with much greater impact. We make sense of the world by turning what happens into stories. They can be about pets and inanimate objects too (you might have a mascot, for instance) but stories are always about people, even if we’re projecting human qualities on non-human things.