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You're already on your way to a well-optimized website

· content,keywords

Sometimes called curation blogging, content curation means posting collections of useful links, videos, podcasts, infographics, and other resources on a specific theme, along with a little informed commentary. Search engine results are in a constant state of flux as rankings for individual pages and sites go up and down, outdated content fades and new pages are published. That means you'll probably notice a normal ebb and flow in your site rankings, especially if you're lower down in the results. You want your company’s name to be one of the first results that they see. Social shares are important because they help your blog post get discovered, so getting more shares and Retweets on social media networks is never a bad thing for your SEO efforts.

Action Plan

Over the past couple of years, SEO has significantly changed as search engines get smarter. There is a huge difference between what SEO was five or two years ago and what it is today. An SEO specialist should know how long content needs to be and to avoid keyword stuffing. Check the readability score of your content with the Flesch reading ease test, and aim to get above 60% Ensure that your site loads quickly, not just where you're located, but from around the world.

Improve site speed

Basically a search engine searches the web using automated programs called web crawlers. The crawlers follow links from page to page, they then send a copy of each page back to the search engine, which then builds an index of the words on each page. Long tail keywords may offer more chances to show up higher in the search results, while you can also perform manual searches on your own to test the first pages of the keywords you want to target. Artificial intelligence will become more ubiquitous, so SEO specialists must grasp firsthand knowledge on machine learning and automation. There is no such thing as a cookie-cutter SEO plan, and for this, all parties on the SEO bandwagon should rejoice.

Have a category description paragraph

If you make sure people want to visit your site, have great calls-to-action and prepare for mobile, you’re already on your way to a well-optimized website, the holistic way! As a rule, the best thing you can do to create a successful blog and show up high in search results is put quality at number one. Provide value, solve readers’ problems, and make your content and SEO practices natural and relevant. Every site-owner needs to gather links and local business owners would probably benefit even more for good links. According to Gaz Hall, a UK SEO Consultant : "All too often, when we’re brought in for SEO work on a redesign, it’s often late in the process, such as when the site is being coded or even totally complete. “Hey, we should probably have the SEO guy take a look at this before we launch,” but by then, it’s too late. "

SEO + design = greatness

Content curation is a common way to collect, restructure, and republish existing content. The collection of material often provides new perspectives for users on content ideas you’ve already covered. For content curation to be successful, you first look for appropriate sources and then use your own blog to purposefully publish the content. Personal social media channels also help spread content easily. Popular topics often provide a lot of traffic. The key is creating content ready to serve customers across various devices and platforms. Brands need to meet customers where they are in order to provide them information; but without data, this is impossible. Data can let brands know what their customers search for and what they want to see when they make these queries. Google is pretty good at understanding the general context of a site’s content. A headline is usually the first thing we notice when accessing a search engine, and this reminds us that a headline should be: valuable, relevant, simple and appealing.